In fairy tales it seems as if the basic plot is always good versus evil and the good guys always win. Is this the case in Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card? Who though is the bad guy and what makes them that way? Well, first we need to find out what evil really is. The Random House Dictionary defines evil as being “the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin” also it stated that evil is “anything causing injury or harm” ( In fairy tales the bad guys, or evil, were normally out to get the princess and rip her of her happiness for their personal gain. Take for example Snow White. Her step mother would ask her mirror, “mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” The mirror would reply, “you, my queen, are fairest of them all.” This satisfied her for she knew that mirrors could not tell a lie.백설공주.files/image002.jpg
But when Snow White came into the picture, the mirror no longer appeased the queen for Snow White became fairer than her. The queen hated this so she went out of her way so as to make sure that she was out of the picture, so that the queen could once again be the fairest of them all. When the huntsman failed to do his job, the queen went out to do her own bidding. Finally on the third visit, she stayed and watched her victory. The queen was evil because she sought to cause harm to the point of death. Truly an evil act. What about those in Ender’s Game written by Orson Scott Card? Who in the book could be classified as pure evil?
I'm not sure I get the connection here. Your question at the end leaves the connection unclear. What links can you make? How can you better shape this analogy?